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 Hello there!!! First I wanna say thank you to the lovely Tamie - Addictive Pleasures for putting together this gorgeous blog for me. Tamie is one of my longest online friends we go wayyyyyy back lol and that's no joke, we were good mates in the very early days of tagging all the way back to Myspace, and then when we ventured from tutorial writers to making scrap kits, and then we owned a store together.  

After that life happens and things get in the way and we both went offline for personal reasons and lost touch for several years. I am so happy and thrilled to see her back in the scrap/tagging community! 

So thank you Tamie for being the dearest person I have ever known online...your the bestest!!!

As you can see I am no longer going by my old username Pink Princess. Not because I don't like it anymore, I was the biggest pink princess anyone could ever lay eyes on lol but that time has passed. I am now grandmother age, post menopause, not coloring my hair anymore, accepting the gray hair and wrinkles. So I have fond memories of being a pink princess but now I'm in a new chapter of life.

I thought "Vicki" was too plain so I was going to use "Kitty Lovette" as my username. Kitty is a pet name hubby calls me all the time, and my maiden name is Lovette. But someone told me it sounds like a porn star name lol and I was like..."Your Right"!!! And I think it's just silly to see someone my age with a sexy like username like that. So back to the drawing board.  But it finally clicked with me, I'm just plain old common ordinary Vicki....Simply Vicki. And here we are :)

I will be tagging and doing tutorials and as you can see I have been having a try at masks. Be kind I'm not like Millie and her awesome masks I'm very beginner but just trying something new.

 I found a lot of my old PTU kits and a few of mine and Tamie's collab kits (download on her blog) and here they are FTU for anyone who would like them. 

I will not be making kits in the future. Just not feeling it anymore. And I have other things that are more important than the time it takes to put a kit together...and yes it takes time and patience.

January of 2020 I suffered a severe heart attack and had triple bypass surgery. It's been a very long road since then but here I am with a two thumbs up from my cardiologist and my family doctor. Life is wonderful and I feel blessed and loved and protected by God. 

So with that being said....welcome to my new blog I hope you can find something you can use.

Thanks for stopping by love always, Simply Vicki xxx   


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TOU Cluster Frames

Yes you may make cluster frames with my kits, just don't charge a fee doing so (shaking finger no-no) lol


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